Sunday, March 7, 2010

Adi and Miss. More

By: Pratya
Three words: Idli, Jupiter, Earth

Word-giver: Aditya
Date: March, 6, 2010

This is a poem in the tune of Ms Mary Mack. - Pratya

There was a boy named Adi Adi Adi
Who loved to eat Idli Idli Idli
He lived on Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter
When he came to earth he said "er er er"

Since his name was Adi Adi Adi
Everyone called him Padi Padi Padi
So he told his Dad Dad Dad
What everyone said said said
But his dad was in bed bed bed
So he made a wish wish wish
And ate some fish fish fish
Obviously in a dish dish dish

There was a knock on the door door door
It was Miss More More More
She had so much greed greed greed
Because of her name indeed deed deed

So Adi tried to stop her, stop her, stop her
And so he did did did

And everyone was happy happy happy
And they said "Go Adi, Adi, diiiiii!"


Problem: Everyone was teasing Adi and Ms More was very greedy
Solution: Adi changed Ms More and Everyone praised him!
Moral: Do something good and people will stop teasing you

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Toothbrushes and Dogs

By: Pratya
Words: Butterfly + Shoe, Toothbrush + Dog, Snake + Backpack
Word-giver: Daddy
Date: March, 6th, 2010

Note: The idea of this "story" is to come up with new ideas by using RANDOM words. This is a trick for lateral thinking of creative ideas. - Dad.

Toothbrush + Dog: Tooth brush can bark (give an alarm) when you don't brush your teeth on time!
Problem solved: We forget to brush our teeth sometimes.

Snake + Backpack: A backpack that changes its colors (or design) like a snake sheds its skin every month! For example, one month Hannah Montana, and the next month Little Mermaid.
Problem solved: The same backpack design gets boring.

Shoe + Butterfly: A shoe which has antennas to throw out mud.
Problem solved: The shoe can clean its self.


Moral: We can come up with new ideas by combining unrelated words!

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