Three words:Football, Cricket, Hockey
Word-giver: Devanshu
Chapter 1. Introducing Mr. Nithin
There was once a boy named Nithin. He was extremely clever and good in sports. His 3 favorite sports were cricket, football, and hockey. He lived in Mumbai with his sister (Nitya), mom, dad and his little poodle' Tinker'.
Exciting news!
One day Nithin's teacher announced that there was to be a sports match between the girls and boys of 4th grade! What are the sports? asked Tara. "Cricket, football and hockey." replied the teacher. "Yaaaaay!" shouted the boys. "Booooo!" squealed the girls. "Pack your bags everyone" said the teacher.
Chapter 2. Preparation
Nithin excitedly discussed about the matches with his friends. "Cricket is tomorrow" said Ria. Girls rule! shrieked Nitya. "Very funny"muttered Nithin. They soon reached. Tinker barked excitedly when he saw Nithin and Nitya. " Sorry Tinks, we have to practice Cricket" said Nitya patting the poodle on the head. "Ask dad to play Fetch with you" added Nithin.
Nitya and a few girls started practicing. The boys also did. "I'm tired" panted Nitya after an hour and scoring 40 runs. The children went home pleased with their work. "Wuff wuff!" Tinker greeted them. Nitya got some food and freshwater for Tinker while Nithin gave him a wash. Then both of them had their dinner and went to bed. Nithin dreamt of winning the sports cup. Soon it was morning. The children brushed their teeth and combed their hair. They ran to catch the bus. Soon the match began.
Chapter 3. The Cricket Match
The girls batted first. "Come on Nitya!" shouted Ria. Nitya gracefully hit a six and ran. "Six runs!" said the umpire. Sonia batted next and scored 4 runs. "Come on boys!" groaned Pranav. Next Adya batted and was out as Nithin caught the ball. "Good job!" said Pranav. Nithin grinned. "Nithin catches the ball and Adya is out!" shorted the umpire. Next Tanya batted and scored 20 runs. "Awesome Tanya!" said Sonia. All girls got a chance. They were good. Soon every girl was out. "The girls totally made 70 runs!" shouted the umpire.
Then the boys batted. Everyone batted well. Pranav scored 20 runs. "Awesome Pranav!" said Nithin. Next Rahul batted. He scored 10 runs. Finally, only Nithin was left. "Come on Nithin!" screamed Vedarth, "You can do it!" chorused the boys in unison. Adya spinned the ball. Nithin swiftly hit the ball. "Sixer!" shouted the boys. But unfortunately Nithya gave a leaping jump and caught the ball! "Nitya! Nitya! Nitya!" chorused the grils. "It's an Out! The girls team wins by 2 points!" shouted the umpire.
The boys sadly walked away. "Yaaay!" shrieked the girls. "We rock'n rule!". "It's okay, it's just a game" said Nithin soothingly. "We have football to look forward to" said Pranav who could not bear to lose. Meanwhile the girls were still yelling. "How can we lose!? we have been playing longer than the girls have been!" exclaimed Rahul. "There is Ginny" said Vedarth. Ginny was a bright student who loved challenges. She was kind and the most popular person in class. "Hi guys! I'm really sorry you lost" said Ginny. "It's ok, we are sure we're going to beat you up in football" said Nithin bravely. "All the best" said Ginny with a wink. "Yaay!" the girls shouted meanwhile. "Unusual girl, that Ginny is" muttered Rahul. "Home time!" shouted the teacher.
Chapter 4. Uh oh for Ginny!
Nithin went to find Nitya. He expected to see her with a group of girls. Instead she was sitting in a corner crying. "Nitya, what happened?" Nithin exclaimed. "Ginny slipped in the girls bathroom. She fractured her leg!" "Really?!" Nithin was shocked. He spread the news to the class. They were all sorry for poor Ginny. When Nithin and Nitya reached home, they told their mom about Ginny and Cricket. She immediately rang up Ginny's mom to see if Ginny was OK. She was in the hospital. Then Nithin's mom congratulated Nitya and kissed Nithin on his head. "Do better next time!" she said. Now Tinker perked up his ears when he heard the name Ginny. He was a "Ginny Fan" and wanted to help her somehow. So he started to think.
In the morning, Nithin got a mail from Ginny. It said "I don't know who is going to take my pl
ace n the football team. You know how much I like that sport! - Ginny". Nithin told everyone about the mail. Then they started practicing football. Tinker watched the girls. Suddenly he got a brainwave! He would disguise himself as a girl! Then he could play in the team. Ok, he will need to practice. So he asked to Nitya in doggy language. Nitya agreed. So he played. The boys laughed seeing Tinker play football.
Chapter 5. Tinker saves the day
The next day, Tinker collected everything he could fine, like an old ribbon, rubber bands, and clips. Then he asked Goldie the clever bird next door to help him look like a girl. Goldie at once helped him. Tinker also practiced walking like a human being.
"Tomorrow is the football match" announced Nitya. "Let's see who wins!" said Nithin. "We still need someone to take Ginny's place" complained Nitya. Tinker at once started practicing football when he heard the name Ginny. Then he quickly pretended to sleep when Nithin looked.
The next day, the match began. Tinker walked to Nitya and showed her that he wanted to be in the team. "Girls!" called Nitya, "new member!". None of the girls guessed that it was old Tinker. Tinker was very pleased that he could help Ginny. "Aren't you excited, Tara?" asked Ria. 'I would rather fly on a broomstick with Harry Potter" said Tara who was a Harry Potter fan. 'Ready girls?" Nitya asked. "Tara, that old stick is not a wand!".
The match started. First the boys scored 2 goals. Then the girls caught up and scored 3 goals. Nithin kicked the ball in the net but unfortunately it was saved by Niketa the goal keeper. Soon both the teams got 19 goals. "Last point wins!" said the umpire. Then Tinker tackled Vedarth and passed the ball to Tara. "This is a snitch" said Tara. "Whatever a snitch is we don't care, just shoot!" shrieked Tanya. Tara passed the ball to Tinker who shot the ball right into the goal! "Girls win!" screamed the umpire. "Awesome!" the girls told Tinker.
"We win! by the way can I call you Tinker? you look exactly like my dog!"
Meanwhile the boys didn't care whether they lost of won."Did you know that, even if you win hockey, girls win the sports cup?" exclaimed Ria. "I don't care!" shouted Nithin. Something told Nithin that the boys would certainly win the sports cup. Even though he was angry with the girls for winning, he phoned Ginny and told her about the match. She was delighted. Meanwhile tinker was happily licking everything he saw.
The next day, Ginny was back. Her classmates greeted her warmly. "Where is this person who made our team win?" Ginny demanded. "She is from another school and we didn't take her address" replied Charity. "Great!" muttered Ginny.
Chapter 6. The Grand Finale!
In the evening, the boys started practicing. The girls thought they would easily win and didn't practice. Tara read Harry Potter while Ginny, Sonia, Nitya, Ria, and Charity played handball. The boys practiced hockey for 2 hours and went home panting.
The next day was the match. Nithin and Nitya brushed their teeth, combed their hair, and ran to catch the bus. When the reached, the match started. "The team that gets 20 points wins!" screamed the umpire. Nithin tried tackling Ria but she passed the ball to Charity. Charity got tackled by Pranav but Ginny tackled him and shot a goal. "Yay!" said the girls. Then Tara was tackled by Nithin who shot a goal. Nitya tried to shoot by Rahul was too quick for her passed the ball to Vedarth who short agoal. At the end, the score was 19 all. Nithin hit a hard beautiful shot and it was a goal!!!! "Yay!" yelled the boys patting Nithin on the back. "We won 2 matches" protested Ria. "Shh! Principal is approaching!" said Sania.
"Good morning children" said the principal pleasantly. "You have all done excellent in the sports. The girls have won 2 matches. I can see the boys have determinedly played well. I'm happy to announce that the boys win the cup! They win because they did not give up!" "Yahooooooooo" shrieked the boys kissing the cup.
Word-giver: Devanshu
Chapter 1. Introducing Mr. Nithin
There was once a boy named Nithin. He was extremely clever and good in sports. His 3 favorite sports were cricket, football, and hockey. He lived in Mumbai with his sister (Nitya), mom, dad and his little poodle' Tinker'.
Exciting news!
One day Nithin's teacher announced that there was to be a sports match between the girls and boys of 4th grade! What are the sports? asked Tara. "Cricket, football and hockey." replied the teacher. "Yaaaaay!" shouted the boys. "Booooo!" squealed the girls. "Pack your bags everyone" said the teacher.
Chapter 2. Preparation
Nithin excitedly discussed about the matches with his friends. "Cricket is tomorrow" said Ria. Girls rule! shrieked Nitya. "Very funny"muttered Nithin. They soon reached. Tinker barked excitedly when he saw Nithin and Nitya. " Sorry Tinks, we have to practice Cricket" said Nitya patting the poodle on the head. "Ask dad to play Fetch with you" added Nithin.
Nitya and a few girls started practicing. The boys also did. "I'm tired" panted Nitya after an hour and scoring 40 runs. The children went home pleased with their work. "Wuff wuff!" Tinker greeted them. Nitya got some food and freshwater for Tinker while Nithin gave him a wash. Then both of them had their dinner and went to bed. Nithin dreamt of winning the sports cup. Soon it was morning. The children brushed their teeth and combed their hair. They ran to catch the bus. Soon the match began.
Chapter 3. The Cricket Match
The girls batted first. "Come on Nitya!" shouted Ria. Nitya gracefully hit a six and ran. "Six runs!" said the umpire. Sonia batted next and scored 4 runs. "Come on boys!" groaned Pranav. Next Adya batted and was out as Nithin caught the ball. "Good job!" said Pranav. Nithin grinned. "Nithin catches the ball and Adya is out!" shorted the umpire. Next Tanya batted and scored 20 runs. "Awesome Tanya!" said Sonia. All girls got a chance. They were good. Soon every girl was out. "The girls totally made 70 runs!" shouted the umpire.
Then the boys batted. Everyone batted well. Pranav scored 20 runs. "Awesome Pranav!" said Nithin. Next Rahul batted. He scored 10 runs. Finally, only Nithin was left. "Come on Nithin!" screamed Vedarth, "You can do it!" chorused the boys in unison. Adya spinned the ball. Nithin swiftly hit the ball. "Sixer!" shouted the boys. But unfortunately Nithya gave a leaping jump and caught the ball! "Nitya! Nitya! Nitya!" chorused the grils. "It's an Out! The girls team wins by 2 points!" shouted the umpire.
The boys sadly walked away. "Yaaay!" shrieked the girls. "We rock'n rule!". "It's okay, it's just a game" said Nithin soothingly. "We have football to look forward to" said Pranav who could not bear to lose. Meanwhile the girls were still yelling. "How can we lose!? we have been playing longer than the girls have been!" exclaimed Rahul. "There is Ginny" said Vedarth. Ginny was a bright student who loved challenges. She was kind and the most popular person in class. "Hi guys! I'm really sorry you lost" said Ginny. "It's ok, we are sure we're going to beat you up in football" said Nithin bravely. "All the best" said Ginny with a wink. "Yaay!" the girls shouted meanwhile. "Unusual girl, that Ginny is" muttered Rahul. "Home time!" shouted the teacher.
Chapter 4. Uh oh for Ginny!
Nithin went to find Nitya. He expected to see her with a group of girls. Instead she was sitting in a corner crying. "Nitya, what happened?" Nithin exclaimed. "Ginny slipped in the girls bathroom. She fractured her leg!" "Really?!" Nithin was shocked. He spread the news to the class. They were all sorry for poor Ginny. When Nithin and Nitya reached home, they told their mom about Ginny and Cricket. She immediately rang up Ginny's mom to see if Ginny was OK. She was in the hospital. Then Nithin's mom congratulated Nitya and kissed Nithin on his head. "Do better next time!" she said. Now Tinker perked up his ears when he heard the name Ginny. He was a "Ginny Fan" and wanted to help her somehow. So he started to think.
In the morning, Nithin got a mail from Ginny. It said "I don't know who is going to take my pl

Chapter 5. Tinker saves the day
The next day, Tinker collected everything he could fine, like an old ribbon, rubber bands, and clips. Then he asked Goldie the clever bird next door to help him look like a girl. Goldie at once helped him. Tinker also practiced walking like a human being.
"Tomorrow is the football match" announced Nitya. "Let's see who wins!" said Nithin. "We still need someone to take Ginny's place" complained Nitya. Tinker at once started practicing football when he heard the name Ginny. Then he quickly pretended to sleep when Nithin looked.
The next day, the match began. Tinker walked to Nitya and showed her that he wanted to be in the team. "Girls!" called Nitya, "new member!". None of the girls guessed that it was old Tinker. Tinker was very pleased that he could help Ginny. "Aren't you excited, Tara?" asked Ria. 'I would rather fly on a broomstick with Harry Potter" said Tara who was a Harry Potter fan. 'Ready girls?" Nitya asked. "Tara, that old stick is not a wand!".
The match started. First the boys scored 2 goals. Then the girls caught up and scored 3 goals. Nithin kicked the ball in the net but unfortunately it was saved by Niketa the goal keeper. Soon both the teams got 19 goals. "Last point wins!" said the umpire. Then Tinker tackled Vedarth and passed the ball to Tara. "This is a snitch" said Tara. "Whatever a snitch is we don't care, just shoot!" shrieked Tanya. Tara passed the ball to Tinker who shot the ball right into the goal! "Girls win!" screamed the umpire. "Awesome!" the girls told Tinker.
"We win! by the way can I call you Tinker? you look exactly like my dog!"
Meanwhile the boys didn't care whether they lost of won."Did you know that, even if you win hockey, girls win the sports cup?" exclaimed Ria. "I don't care!" shouted Nithin. Something told Nithin that the boys would certainly win the sports cup. Even though he was angry with the girls for winning, he phoned Ginny and told her about the match. She was delighted. Meanwhile tinker was happily licking everything he saw.
The next day, Ginny was back. Her classmates greeted her warmly. "Where is this person who made our team win?" Ginny demanded. "She is from another school and we didn't take her address" replied Charity. "Great!" muttered Ginny.
Chapter 6. The Grand Finale!
In the evening, the boys started practicing. The girls thought they would easily win and didn't practice. Tara read Harry Potter while Ginny, Sonia, Nitya, Ria, and Charity played handball. The boys practiced hockey for 2 hours and went home panting.
The next day was the match. Nithin and Nitya brushed their teeth, combed their hair, and ran to catch the bus. When the reached, the match started. "The team that gets 20 points wins!" screamed the umpire. Nithin tried tackling Ria but she passed the ball to Charity. Charity got tackled by Pranav but Ginny tackled him and shot a goal. "Yay!" said the girls. Then Tara was tackled by Nithin who shot a goal. Nitya tried to shoot by Rahul was too quick for her passed the ball to Vedarth who short agoal. At the end, the score was 19 all. Nithin hit a hard beautiful shot and it was a goal!!!! "Yay!" yelled the boys patting Nithin on the back. "We won 2 matches" protested Ria. "Shh! Principal is approaching!" said Sania.
"Good morning children" said the principal pleasantly. "You have all done excellent in the sports. The girls have won 2 matches. I can see the boys have determinedly played well. I'm happy to announce that the boys win the cup! They win because they did not give up!" "Yahooooooooo" shrieked the boys kissing the cup.
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